Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pointless Post.

I really have nothing to write about, but I feel like posting anyways. 

SUCKS TO BE YOU READER.  MUAHAHAHAHA!  *ahem* Anyways, I'm extremely bored to boot. 

I supposedly have three different things to do this weekend(or around it?).  Doesn't matter though, all I really have to do is take my bunnies in to get fixed this paycheck(Friday-ish).  So I need to find out when Gina can/wants to go with me, since I'm going to her vet. 

I wanted to see if I could hangout with Matt sometime this weekend, but he's got company coming up from Florida and I don't want to impose, so that's out the window.  Cory did ask if I wanted to go somewhere, but I can't really say yes or no until I find out when I'm getting the bun buns fixed.  Though, that makes me wonder if the vet is even open on weekends, I don't know, because I never checked.  Might have to take the bunnies in sometime during the week when I'm not working. 

CLUSTER FUCK geez.  I need to get out of the house or I might go nuts at this point.  Even a hermit needs to leave once in a while, especially to escape family for a little while.

Oh well, I don't know anything anymore.  My head is mushy squash-potato.  Don't ask. >_<

Don't mind my dirty mirror and crazy hair. >_<  I was napping, woke up and took pictures... Smart huh?  Thought so.

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