Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pointless Post.

I really have nothing to write about, but I feel like posting anyways. 

SUCKS TO BE YOU READER.  MUAHAHAHAHA!  *ahem* Anyways, I'm extremely bored to boot. 

I supposedly have three different things to do this weekend(or around it?).  Doesn't matter though, all I really have to do is take my bunnies in to get fixed this paycheck(Friday-ish).  So I need to find out when Gina can/wants to go with me, since I'm going to her vet. 

I wanted to see if I could hangout with Matt sometime this weekend, but he's got company coming up from Florida and I don't want to impose, so that's out the window.  Cory did ask if I wanted to go somewhere, but I can't really say yes or no until I find out when I'm getting the bun buns fixed.  Though, that makes me wonder if the vet is even open on weekends, I don't know, because I never checked.  Might have to take the bunnies in sometime during the week when I'm not working. 

CLUSTER FUCK geez.  I need to get out of the house or I might go nuts at this point.  Even a hermit needs to leave once in a while, especially to escape family for a little while.

Oh well, I don't know anything anymore.  My head is mushy squash-potato.  Don't ask. >_<

Don't mind my dirty mirror and crazy hair. >_<  I was napping, woke up and took pictures... Smart huh?  Thought so.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mini Rex and Netherland Dwarf.

Alright, so a few weeks ago, I got my first bunny!  He's a Broken Black Mini Rex and I named him Moomoo.  Born on December 19, 2012.  ^_^

But yesterday, I adopted a greyish/silver-colored Netherland Dwarf that had been neglected and dropped off(where I got my first bunny from).  I really don't know anything about the bunny's previous life(aka name or age), but I was told he was about 5-7 years old.  I'm just going to say that he's 6, just for the heck of it. Ash has some problems with one of his eyes and was waaaaaaay under fed.  He's skin and bones.

I've been wanting another bunny for Moomoo to play with and he's been excited since "Ash" showed up.  Yeah, my son decided to name the new bunny Ash, but he claims it's not because of his color.  Whenever he talks about Ash, he says: "His name is Ash, like the pokemon trainer!!!"  Kids. ^_^

So yeah, I now have two male bunnies in almost a month's span.  Only thing left is to get the bunny my mom wanted.  She really wants a Holland Lop and those things are so hard to find it seems, not to mention expensive.  I mean hell, they are going for about $125.00USD according to breeder websites.  The only rabbit I paid for was Moomoo and he was no where near that... and Ash was free(aside from his cage and such). >_<

Monday, March 4, 2013

Red Nokia Lumia 920

 Whoot!  New phone and our internet at home is finally back on!  I've been "kind of" browsing the web on my phone, but it's not the same as my laptop.  I missed you internet.<3  And of course, picture spam. ^_^