Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sugarpill came in.

 Got my Sugarpill order in today, well technically it was yesterday, since it's 1:01am.  

My favorites are Stella and Royal Sugar.  Starling looks very green, but that could just be my bathroom lighting, since we have yellow bulbs.  I'll try checking it out again when it's light out, so I can see it more clearly.

In the box, I got the four loose shadows that I ordered, along with a sample of Magentric, a pink "Sugarpill" sticker and a card with two models on it bearing the Sugarpill logo.  And to top it off they actually wrote "Thanks Mallory!<3" on my packing/order slip, I thought that was crazy cute. ^_^ 

Side note:  At 4pm I'm going to see the Avengers!  Finally -_-  I think I just might wear Stella for it. >_<

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