Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mindless Picture Dump and E3 Sony Expo.

This blog entry is more or less a picture dump, I was bored, you can deal with it. ^_^

I love Animal Crossing: New Leaf, just saying, it's freakin sweet.  If you have a 3ds or 3ds XL, go buy this game NOW(or buy the bundled system like I did).  You will be addicted I promise, unless you suck, then there is no pleasing you. ^_^

ALSO!!!  YOU GO SONY!  I LOVE YOU!  Oh E3!  The death of Microsoft, you shall be mourned by mindless COD fans everywhere. 

And I know what you're thinking:"but Mallory... you have a Windows 8 phone!!! That's Microsoft!"  And yes it is and I like my phone very much, but I gotta say I'm not into what Microsoft has been doing gaming wise and that's a real deal breaker.  Also, my phone isn't Microsoft made like the Xbox is.  Nokia had it's hand in creating it, my phone just runs Windows 8 software.  Just like my Dell laptop runs Windows 7.  Sony will forever run my games alongside Nintendo. ^_^

I'm just a PlayStation person and I'm glad Sony finally got some decent spotlight. 

And in all honesty, I like the PS4 design.  It seriously looks like the PS2 and the Xbox One had a lovechild and to me that's not bad.  I like the "slant" the system has, it gives it a unique look.  Granted both the Xbox One and the PS4 had a similar look, but I'm not complaining. 

Now I wonder if there will be a red one.  Addictions die hard.  >_<

I wish I could have been there to scream for Sony. O_O"

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3DS XL.

Animal Crossing:New Leaf 3ds XL Bundle + Game Guide.

Finally brought home this sucker!  I've been waiting for a few months now(since I learned of the system's release). 

I needed to get a new system, since the one my son had refuses to turn on, I swear he dropped it, but he says otherwise.  Oh well, it worked out though, I got my pretty new handheld and he gets my Aqua Blue 3ds until I have the funds to buy him his own again.

I'm glad they finally came out with a new Animal Crossing game though, it's been a while since the Nintendo had Wild World released for the original DS.

I did buy the guide, but I doubt I'll use it much.  I have a tendency to buy the guide for collection's sake, rather than for it's actual purpose.  I have an issue with collecting things.  On another note, I think it's kinda cute how the guide is technically the same size as the bundle box. >_<