Saturday, August 11, 2012



Rini and Wicked Lady

Every time I watch this, I always remember how much I have in common with her.  I think out of every anime character in the world, I'm the most like Rini/Wicked Lady. 

I might look nothing like her, but our personalities and attitude towards life is pretty spot on.  Somehow her existence(or made-up-ness?) made me feel better about my own as a kid and it still does even now.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bored bored bored!...?

Random pictures & my little nephew Ethan.<3

Okay, so I'm really bored, been counting down the days til Anya opens her Etsy shop up again.  I love her stuff.  MORE AMIGURUMI NAO PREEEEASE?  ^_^

Been watching my nephew and trying to kill time a bit. 

UGH that just reminded me of the Dawnguard update I saw earlier.  STILL no PS3. T_T  The hell I love you Bethesda, but you've gone too far!  Hahaha jk, I know they were having some sort of issue or so I heard, about it not running smoothly and they're trying to work out the kinks.  I'd rather have an expansion that works, so keep at it. *nod nod*

I think I'm going to sleep now, sounds like a good idea, gotta be up at 6am(?) to watch little Ethan.