Sunday, December 16, 2012

Back in Action.

Ok so I had my internet shut off since August.

But now I have a new phone! The red Nokia Lumia 920. ^_^ So now I don't have to wait 400 billion years for the bills to get all caught up. Yippie Skippy. XD

Saturday, August 11, 2012



Rini and Wicked Lady

Every time I watch this, I always remember how much I have in common with her.  I think out of every anime character in the world, I'm the most like Rini/Wicked Lady. 

I might look nothing like her, but our personalities and attitude towards life is pretty spot on.  Somehow her existence(or made-up-ness?) made me feel better about my own as a kid and it still does even now.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bored bored bored!...?

Random pictures & my little nephew Ethan.<3

Okay, so I'm really bored, been counting down the days til Anya opens her Etsy shop up again.  I love her stuff.  MORE AMIGURUMI NAO PREEEEASE?  ^_^

Been watching my nephew and trying to kill time a bit. 

UGH that just reminded me of the Dawnguard update I saw earlier.  STILL no PS3. T_T  The hell I love you Bethesda, but you've gone too far!  Hahaha jk, I know they were having some sort of issue or so I heard, about it not running smoothly and they're trying to work out the kinks.  I'd rather have an expansion that works, so keep at it. *nod nod*

I think I'm going to sleep now, sounds like a good idea, gotta be up at 6am(?) to watch little Ethan.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Arpakasso Plushie?

Arpakasso Plushie<3

I've been wanting to get a hold of one of these lately.  They're super cute!!! I don't know if I want white, blue, pink or purple yet.  And I'm talking about the lighter pastel colored ones, not the neon.  On top of that, I still haven't gone site searching to find a good deal yet. *sigh*

I really wanna get a big one too.  Not one of those teeny tiny ones, unless I already have a bigger one, but I guess having a small one is better than not having one at all. *nod nod*  I wonder if the one in the glasses comes in a larger size?  It's so cute. >_<

 I think this one is my favorite so far.^^

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christian Louboutin Gold Strass Sneakers


Not sure if that's the EXACT name for these shoes, but it's close enough for me.  I think these are amazing, I really really REALLY want a pair. >_< 

Fall 2012 Collection FTW!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Final Fantasy VIII - Breezy

Huge Crap Overhaul

Huge crap overhaul.<3

In order of appearance:
Ichigo Strawberry Happy Milk Plushie ミルク
Crochet Clown (my grandma made)
Cupcake Scentsy(with Vanilla Suede melted)
Vanilla Suede Scentsy Bar
Cherry Vanilla Scentsy Bar
Maraschino Curve Velata
Fondue Pick (comes with Velata warmer)
Glico Matcha Milk Caramel (my favorite)
March of the Koalas (Koala no March) Cocoa & Vanilla
Fuwarinka Gum Rose Flavor
Fuwarinka Rose Essence Soft Candy
Theatrhythym Final Fantasy for 3DS

Ok so I haven't updated on junk that I've accumulated over time.  I figured I should just make one big blog and be done with it, rather than make a billion individual ones.

I got the Milk Plushie from Cornstarch on Etsy.  It's so cute, I keep squishing and poking it.  There are 3 other "flavors" to choose from; Soy, Regular and Chocolate.   In addition to the Strawberry one I bought, making it 4 flavors.  You can choose to have "milk" written in Japanese or English.
The link to the Etsy shop is --------->

The little clown is nothing more than something my grandma used to shell out by the dozens.  I remember when she was making those things everyday.  They've got a plastic egg inside them with beads inside.  So it's pretty much a baby rattle. XD

For the Scentsy -------->
For the Velata --------->

Matcha caramel is my favorite thing on earth, I don't know what I'd do without it.  Well I do, but it wouldn't be as fun.  It's basically my favorite candy/treat ever made. <3 

KOALA CANDY!!! WHOOT!!!  Ok well I love the March of Koala candies, but I'm really not a fan of this flavor.

Rose candy is amazing, it's got a sort of sourish kick to it you might not expect.  I love it though, as well as the gum version of it.  Although the gum's flavor isn't as strong and it doesn't last too long.

As for Theatrythym Final Fantasy.... if you love Final Fantasy, the music, characters, card collecting and 3DS..... then this game is for you.  It's adorable, fun and at times kinda challenging depending on what difficulty you're playing on.  I already have all the CollectaCards and 9 holos at this point.  It comes with a stylus and stickers.  Sorry that I was too lazy to take a picture of it.  But basically you just use the stickers to customize the stylus.  Example: I chose the chocobo for mine. 
The main website for Theatrythym is cute --------->

Alright, I think I'm done here, this is getting crazy long and I'm not in the mood to lengthen it further.  And yes, I'm aware that everything is mirrored, I'm lazy and if you really can't read what's in the pictures then you're kind of retarded.  Especially since I made a list of everything for you guys anyways.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Love You - 2NE1

Ariel Amigurumi.

My new Ariel Amigurumi.
Ok well I got her on June 13th, but I've been lazy to post anything here.  I've basically had her for a month now.  She's so cute! ^_^

I love all things Ariel... *ahem* and Marina, but that's a different version of The Little Mermaid.  I like Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid(アンデルセン童話 にんぎょ姫 Anderusen Dōwa Ningyo hime) much better than Disney's sugarcoated version.

Anyways, back to Ariel.  The pictures I have up are mirrored so it shows that her hair is swept in the wrong direction, but the first picture isn't mirrored and I don't care to change the other two.

I got her from AnyaZoe at Etsy.  Her shop------->


*Random picture thrown in at the end I know. >_<

Friday, June 8, 2012

Scentsy: Take 2.

OKAY so I broke my Scentsy the very day I got it. T_T  Lucky for me they make replacement parts and I didn't break anything that would require me to replace the whole thing.  My mom went and ordered an extra "backup" Scentsy just in case, along with the replacement lid and tray. 

So now I'll have two Cupcake Scentsies and I'm actually kinda happy about that.  Not about breaking my other, but having two around for extra mega ultra good smells.  I can mix some scents together without ruining them if I don't like how they smell.  Example: I can turn one Scentsy off, rather than mixing the wax and wasting it, if it's a horrible unholy concoction.

Definitely can't wait until they come in now. ^_^

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marble Fox as a potential pet.

My favorite animal in the entire world is the fox.  And one day I really really hope to have a Marble fox for a pet, legally of course.  I already know everything I need and all the basics and whatnot.  I just have to change my living situation... aka move the hell out of my mother's house and get a "Fur-bearing Mammal Breeder Permit” to get one of these little buggers.  That and find a good vet nearby that would deal with a fox.  I swear I'm going to name it Kirby or Artemis. >_< 

Ugh, I've been planning on having a fox since I knew it was possible, that was about 3 or 4 years ago?  I mean I always wanted one, I just didn't know it could be done legally... and without catching a fox in the wild.  THAT'S the illegal part, you can't take a wild animal in, just one from a licensed breeder and you have to be careful of your state's laws(or country's laws) regarding foxes and the like. 

It's probably going to be years before I would even actually try for this.  I need a place of my own and to be stable before I take on a fox, considering it would take up all my time to raise and train.

I just randomly took these pictures off of google, because yeah, I don't have a real one to photograph. Ohhhh super sad face. T_T

4minute - Volume Up

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Frank Sinatra - Fly me to the Moon

Scentsy Order.

Ok so today I went and ordered some Scentsy stuff.  I got the cupcake warmer with two different scents called Vanilla Suede and Cherry Vanilla. 

Anything Cherry Vanilla is on sale until the end of May, since it's the scent of the month.  I love anything vanilla so I went ahead and got one to try out.  I would have bought more, but I won't know if I actually like the smell until I get them.  Only thing that sucks about buying this sort of stuff online, you don't get to smell-test it first.  Which makes me wonder if they have samples out there somewhere.

Around June 6th, my mom is going to buy some of the fondue versions of Scentsy called Velata.  It's basically the same thing, but instead of buying scented packs of wax, you buy squeezy chocolate packs that are actually the same shape as the Scentsy ones.

That's what the Velata fondue packs look like.  That one is actually the Milk Chocolate one.  There's Caramel Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate in addition to the Milk Chocolate.